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[[underline]] L. Stejneger, [[/underline]] Washington, D.C. One immature Kamtschatkan Sea Eagle ([[underline]] Thalassoaetus pelagicus [[/underline]] (Exchange) 

[[underline]] George Marshall, [[/underline]] Laurel, Md. Two Crossbills ([[underline]] Loxia curvirostra minor [[/underline]]).  

[[underline]] G.B. Sennett, [[/underline]]  New York City. Six specimens Bronzed Cow birds from Texas.

[[underline]] F. Stephens, [[/underline]] San Bernardino, Ca. - 33 specimens, 21 species, from Arizona, Colorado, and California. This collection consists mostly of rare birds, excellently prepared, and all special desiderata of the Museum. (Purchased).

[[underline]] Lieut. H.C. Benson, [[/underline]] U.S.A., Fort Huachuca, Arizona. 170 specimens, 70 species, chiefly from Southern Arizona, and a few from Sonora, Mexico. This collection is one of unusual interest and value as containing a number of rare