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[[underlined]] Minor Routine Work [[/underlined]]

Official letters written - 31
" [[Ditto for: Official]] memoranda - 31
Memoranda of packing - 16
Requisitions - 6
Orders for work - 0
Invoices, (triplicates) - 15
Proof corrected galleys - 11
pages - 60  

[[underlined]] Papers submitted for Publication [[/underlined]] 

a. By the Curator.

(1) Description of Two New Species of the Genus Megascops Kaup. Pp. 5 1/2 MS. "Proceedings". April-14.[[[L?]] [[underlined]] [M. vermiculatus,[/underlined]]  Costa Rica; [[underlined]] M. hastatus, [[/underlined]]  western Mexico.

(2) Note on Spizella manticola ochracea Brewst. 1 p. MS. "Auk", April 14.