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[[underline]] Vinal N Edwards  [[/underline]] Woods Hole, Mass. - 8 specimens, 3 species: includes an especially interesting series of [[underline]] Bronzed Blackbirds [[/underline]]. Another interesting lot was received later on, but owing to the absence of the taxidermist at the time, they will be included in the report for June.

[[underline]] James Stevenson, [[/underline]] Washington, D.C. - 9 specimens, 3 species, (including two fine specimens of Western Horned Owl), from Colorado.

[[underline]] Tokio Educational Museum, [[/underline]] through [[underline]] Mr M. Namiye, Tokio, Japan. [[/underline]] 9 specimens, 9 species, from the Liukiu Islands, Japan. An interesting collection containing several species new to our collection, and two new to science, which Mr Stejneger has described as [[underline]] Euryzona sepiaria, [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Porzana phaeopyga. [[/underline]] 

[[underline]] Robert Ridgway, [[/underline]] Washington, D.C. - 46 specimens, 17 species, collected by him at Gainesville, Va, during the month.

[[underline]] L. Belding, Wilkesbarre, [[/underline]] Pa. - Four specimens of [[underline]] Cyanscitta stelleri frontalis, [[/underline]] from Lower California; an entirely new locality for the subspecies.          

Transcription Notes:
species names verified - nwmath