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[[underline]] Vinal Edwards, [[/underline]] Woods Holl, Mass - 16 specimens crow Blackbirds, partly typical [[underline]] Quiscalus aeneus [[/underline]] partly showing intermingling with [[underline]] Q. quiscula. [[/underline]] Also one [[underline]] Agelaius phoeniceus [[/underline]].  	

[[underline]] F. Stephens, [[/underline]] San Bernardino, Cal. - 10 specimens, 7 species, rather rare California birds, all filling gaps in our collection.

[[underline]] W.E. Safford, Ensign, [[/underline]] U.S.N., [[underline]] U.S.S. Mohican. [[/underline]] 31 specimens, 28 species, mostly from the Isthmus of Panama. The collections contains several interesting species, among which a pair of the recently published [[underline]] Cotinga rigewayi [[/underline]], the female of which has not been described; also a pair of [[underline]] Chasmorhynclius tricarunculated [[/underline]] from Panama, a new locality for this species; among the few birds from the Straits of Magellan is a fine male of the Upland Goose (Chloephaga dispar.