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[[double underlined]]Papers prepared for publication[[/double underlined]]

[[underline]]a[[/underline]] By the Curator.

(1) On the correct subspecific title of Bairds Wren (No Fig [[underline]]6[[/underline]], A.O.U., Check List)
Ap 2 1/2, MS (Sent to Editor of the Auk)

[[underlined]] b. By the Assistant Curator [[underlined]]

1) Notes on [[underlined]]Psittirastra psittacea[[/underlined]] from Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. 4pp Ms (Editor Proc.U.S.Nat Mus. July 2,87)

2) [[underlined]]Pars propatagialis musculi encullaris[[/underlined]]. 9pp Ms + 2 figs (Editor "Science" July 22)
[Correcting some mistakes of Dr.Hrufeldtriu a previous member of "Science"