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[[underline]] ventris [[/underline]];
8. [[underline]] Pitylus Poliog. scapularis[[/underline]];
9. [[underline]] Sturnella magna inexpectata[[/underline]];
10. [[underline]] Thalurania townsendi[[/underline]];
11. [[underline]] Colinus nigr. segoviae (Columba purpureotineta)[[/underline]];
12. [[underline]] Porzana exilis vagans
8. [[underline]] Tigrisoma excellens. [[]]].[[/underline]] [[]]].

(2). Grouse and Mallard Plumage._ Pp.3 MS.
(To Editor "Forest & Stream", Dec. 26).

[[underline]] b. By Assistant Curator. [[/underline]]

(1) Propatagialis cucullaris. _ Pp. 11 MS. (To Editor "Auk", Dec.12).
(2) Review of Japanese Birds. VII. - The Creepers. _ Pp. 14 MS. (Editor "Proceedings" Nat. Mus., Dec.19).

[[underline]] Work of Assistants. [[/underline]]

The assistant curator, during December, has continued preparing manuscript labels for the Old World exhibition series, besides