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[[underlined]] Specimens distributed. [[/underlined]]

The number of specimens of birds distributed during March is 182, representing 136 species, as follows: - 

[[underlined]] a. Loaned for examination. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Dr. E. Hargitt [[/underlined]], Broadwater, England. - 11 specimens, 8 species; woodpeckers, from Central America, and Kamtschatka.

[[underlined]] E. M. Hasbrouck [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C. - Two mounted specimens of [[underlined]] Podilymbus podiceps. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Amos W. Butler [[/underlined]], Brookville, Ind. 22 specimens, 2 species, [[underlined]] Passerculus [[/underlined]], from Western North America.

[[underlined]] b. In exchange. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Chas. W. Richmond [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C. - 4 specimens, 3 species, from North America.

[[underlined]] Harold B. Stabler [[/underlined]], Sandy Springs, Md. - One mounted Short-eared Owl ( [[underlined]] Asio accipitrinus [[/underlined]] ) from District of Columbia.

[[underlined]] Oberlin College [[/underlined]], Oberlin, Ohio. - 141 specimens