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Adjutant ([[underlined]]Leptoptilus javanicus[[/underlined]]) in the flesh (Gift.)

[[underlined]]B. H. Warren[[/underlined]], West Chester, Pa. - 63 specimens, 3 species, from Chester Co., Pa., being series of [[underlined]]Quiscalus quiscula[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Agelaius phoeniceus[[/underlined]]. (Exchange).

[[underlined]]A. W. Butler[[/underlined]], Brookville,Ind. - 3 specimens, 3 species, from Mexico and Jamaica, one being an authentic specimen of [[underlined]]Ammodramus brunnesceus[[/underlined]] recently described by Mr. Butler. (Gift).

[[underlined]]Specimens distributed[[/underlined]].

The number of specimens distributed during May is 131 representing 62 species, as follows:

[[underlined]]a. Loaned for Examination. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] D. G. Elliot[[/underlined]], New York City. - 55 specimens, 4 species of Jacanas, from America.