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[[underlined]] Specimens distributed. [[/underlined]]

The number of specimens distributed during June is 529, representing 502 species, as follows:-

[[underlined]]a. Loaned for examination[[/underlined]]

Dr. Theodor Pleske, Imp. Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.- 1 specimen from Kamtschatka.

[[underlined]]b. Loaned to Section of Transportation[[/underlined]]
and Engineering to be mounted with Indian on snow shoes - 4 white ptarmigans, from Labrador.

[[underlined]]c. Loaned to Department of Agriculture[[/underlined]]
for exhibition at Cincinnati, Ohio - 79 mounted specimens, 61 species, chiefly birds of prey, form North America.

[[underlined]]d. Sent to Cincinnati, Ohio.[[/underlined]]
as part of the National Museum Exhibit. - 445 specimens, 439 species, from all parts of the world.

Transcription Notes:
Kamchatka? Russian Peninsula