Viewing page 123 of 125

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Memoranda of packing written - 6

Requisitions (house) "[[ditto for written]] - 4
Ordinary - 4
Cincinnati Exposition - 13
                        ---  17

Ordinary -                4
Cincinnati Exposition -   9
                        ---  13
Orders for work (Cincinnati Expos.) - 3
Invoices (duplicates & Triplicates) - 14
Report for May - 9 pages
Proof read (by assistant curator) - 3 1/2 galleys
" " " " [[ditto for Proof read assistant curator]] - 154 labels.

[[underlined]] Special Work accomplished. [[/underlined]]
During the month of June all work, except the most necessary routine, was stopped in order to get the exhibit for the Cincinnati Exposition ready in time. As a result the whole exhibit consisting of 524 mounted birds (including those lent to