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"toundras" in a snow storm.

The plains are intercepted by a range of mountains beginning in the vicinity of Cape [[?]] 60° N. Lat. and extending to North in the direction of Anadyr River. Different streams, having their sources in these mountains empty into Behring Sea. Poplar and birch trees of inferior quality are to be found on the banks of these rivers. Another mountain range can be seen North of Kamennoi head of Penjinsk Gulf taking an easterly direction almost parallel to Anadyr River, the southern tributaries of the Anadyr have their sources in this range.

You may see that the plains present are immense surface of almost perfectly level ground framed by mountains to the east, west, north and south. The country is inhabited by Koriaks of two species, the reindeer or wandering, and the settled Koriaks. The wandering Koriaks seldom go farther North than Cape St. Thadeus on account of the South Anadyrian Tshukskis, the two tribes never lived on good terms. The sea coast Koriaks, having lost for some reason or other their rein deer, have settled down in different points along the coast of Penjinsk Gulf and Behring Sea, where they live on fish and seal meat. The seal skin trade is principally in the hands of the settled Koriaks and this article is a very important one 

Transcription Notes:
Seriously, someone edited to put lines between paragraphs where there are no lines between paragraphs, even the author did not add lines between paragraphs? See nothing in instructions saying add lines between paragraphs. What am I missing? From the TC Team: Yes, sometimes volunpeers make mistakes or transcribe in a way that's inconsistent with the instructions, but it's important that the volunpeer community communicate these issues politely with one another. Thank you for fixing the errors! From the TC Team: Yes, sometimes volunpeers make mistakes or transcribe in a way that's inconsistent with the instructions, but it's important that the volunpeer community communicate these issues politely with one another. Thank you for fixing the errors! River Anadyr is found on google maps. Penjinks Gulf appears in googlebooks. "toundras" is a french word meaning tundras in english.