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in a country where seal skin things are used for construction of sleighs, reindeer and dog harnesses etc. As much as the Wandering Koriaks are good natured, hospitable and peaceable, as much the settled Koriaks are rough, thievish and disagreeable. Kamennoi people in particular are a lazy and miserable set. A stronger and a more efficacious representation of the Russian Authority is badly needed throughout the country.

The Russian Dominion here is a pure mockery. The Koriak territory, Shijiga and Anadyr districts are all supposed to be under the control of the Shijiga Ispravnik, who certainly has neither the time nor the possibility to visit the hundredth part of this immense country. The military or the police force is represented by thirty-five Cosaks residing in Shijiga. 

We exchanged our dogs for rein deer in the first Koriak camp, distant one hundred versts from Podkagernaya and continued the same mode of travelling till Kamennoi where we arrived November 16'.

My intention had always been, should I hear nothing at this place of Macrae's party to go direct to Anadrysk. Unfortunately it could not be done, the natives refusing positively to hire their dogs for such a distance.

These Penjinsk Gulf Koriaks all have a passion for trading. Every year by the first 

Transcription Notes:
bay of Penjinsk found mentioned in old edition of Brittanica online. Anadyrsk is also a known place. Have not found "kamennoi" as a place although it appears to mean "stony" in Russian.