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can have one satisfaction, that the loss of time is not the fault of the expedition which has done all and even more than the Company could reasonably expect. If the plan of sending funds through St. Petersburg, which you have communicated to the board of directors last year before you left San Francisco, was found impracticable (and which I take the liberty to consider the best) I have nothing whatever to say, but am anxious to see the practical result of the plan these gentlemen think to adopt. I sincerely hope and wish that it will not be found necessary to build the line in six years instead of three in consequence of some high financial combination of Head Quarters incomprehensible to a common mortal like myself. 

Permit me to inform you now of my occupations after my arrival to Okhotsk. I had the honor to write to you already with the Kosak who brought, two days before my arrival to this place, your letters from Petropavlowsky and you are aware that I did not find here Capt. Mahood and Lieut. Bush as I expected. I could not think of proceeding immediately to Ajan on account of illness and especially for numerous affairs, which I had to terminate with the least possible delay, besides my correspondence which is growing more extensive every day, whilst I am obliged to do the whole work quite alone, having nobody who could only copy a letter