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Fortunately I arrived here in time to catch the mail, leaving this place every month for the interior and the Ispravnik detained it longer than usual for me to get ready with at least a part of my correspondence.

I wrote immediately a telegraph message, being a part of resume of our proceedings since we left Petropavlowsky and addressed it to St. Petersburg to my brother, directing him to transmit it by mail to Rochester and asking the directors to inform you about it without delay.  I enclosed this message in a letter which I addressed to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia at Irkutsk, requesting him to order its immediate transmission through the Irkoutsk telegraph office. If the Russian Government lines are in good order and the line east of Salt Lake is not down, you will hear of us before you leave San Francisco.

I found here a Cosak who had been some years ago in Ajan by the direct route and we persuaded the few Tunguzis who were around Okhotsk to furnish him deer and guides. I sent these men with instructions to Mahood who could not fail to be at least in Ajan by that time. But wishing to neglect no precautions I made a duplicate of my letter to Mahood and sent it by mail to the Governor of Takoutsk, asking him to forward the packet to its destination by the Takoutsk and Ajan road.

This done and the man who brought your letters

Transcription Notes:
Author did not add extra lines between paragraphs. Nothing in instructions indicate to do so. Edited to correct typos