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despatched with packets for Shijiga, Anadyrsk and Kamchatka, I had to work with the Ispravnik of Okhotsk, whom I wanted to legalize my agreements with the inhabitants. Feeling somewhat better I was anxious to become more acquainted with the surrounding country, and to get a correct idea of the famous mountain range between this place and Ajan.

Here, as usually, I was most cordially received by the Ispravnik granting to me the same privileges I had obtained in Kamchatka, and Shijiga and thus enabling me to survey the country with great economy. I must say that had the expedition in Eastern Siberia been placed under different circumstances, the company's expenses, only for the work of exploration of this immense territory, would have been tripled to say the least. Let me inform you before I mentioned the results of my explorations in the direction of Ajan, that after my return to Okhotsk a special courier arrived here with letters for me from the Governor of Takoutsk. General Lokintsky informs me that he received the same day my letter from Okhotsk and a letter from Capt. Mahood, written in Ajan and requesting the Governor to forward his report to me should I be in Okhotsk.

The Governor tells me that he has sent immediately special couriers in three different directions, one to Irkutsk with my letter and message to the Governor General, the other to