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path over the great range and have travelled west of the "Stanodoi" mountains until they reached the path situated, as I have mentioned at the head of the Oulia river, and followed to Okhotsk the route I had traversed.
The question of the Okhotsk and Ajan route is thus settled to our entire satisfaction. We certainly make a circuit but the deviation is so small comparatively to what was expected that I cannot but consider our new discovered route as a complete and very satisfactory success.

I have directed Capt. Mahood to make out a detailed report, and will not fail to forward it to you.
Capt. Mahood remains in Okhotsk and I gave him a power of Attorney to receive the letters addressed to me, always in expectation of the much needed funds.
I leave very soon for Shijiga and should I, on my arrival to that place, hear nothing of Kennan and Macrae's party, I will proceed without delay to the Anadyr.

I have the honor to remain, 
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant
(Signed) S. Abasa
Chief Asia Division Overl. Tel.