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might , as I was anxious to cross the
Tigil mountains before a heavier fall of snow, and the temperature was lowering so rapidly that the morning of our arrival at Kluchi, September 5th/ the thermometer was showing six degrees below the freezing point.
   In Kluchi arose the question whether it would be preferable for us to follow the eastern coast as far as village Kitchiga 60 [[degree symbol]] N.Lat. and to cross from this place over the "plains" to Katnennoi, head of Penjinsk Gulf. It would have been preferable altogether, had the season been less advanced because we avoided the Tigil mountains but there were no means for transportation.
   Kluchi was the last village on the eastern coast where horses could be had, and these were in a bad condition. We could not use the same beasts on such a considerable distance, and risked to loose them all, should cold and snow overtake us on the plains of North Kamtchatka. In consequence we  left immediately for Tigil.
   River Elovka is one of the tributaries of the Kamtchatka a rapid stream flowing from North to South. Fir wood of good quality is to be found beyond Elovka village one hundred versts north of Kluchi. It is sometimes brought down in rafts to Nijni Kamtchatka