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Have the Anadyr party provided with a sufficient number of laborers was a difficult point, but I have taken measures to secure the services of some Natives. There is near Anadyrsk a small tribe, formerly numerous and powerful called the "Youkahirs". I have seen one of their chiefs Shijiga and have made arrangements with him.

Everything has to be prepared, thought of, forseen and organized in this country so entirely deprived of resources and so desperately distant from the civilized regions of the world.

Except the numerous obstacles, which nature puts in our way, we have two serious enimies in this, country the extreme spareness of the population and the inveterate laziness and improvidence of the few inhabitants.

I speak by experience now, and could mention some instances of their almost incredible improvidence, had I not been afraid of rendering my letter too voluminous. Comparatively to the lazy set living on the