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numerous affairs would detain me at least a week at Okhotsk and directed him to begin without delay the surveying of the country. Instructed him to explore the southern part of the district between Okhotsk and Ajan, whilst I would myself, as soon as ready with my work here, undertake to survey the northern part of the country

Having terminated my affairs and written to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia and to the Governor of Yakoutsk Province on different subjects in relation to our enterprise, I left for a new exploration tour.

I have mentioned in my August report to the Engineer in chief, of which a copy has been forwarded to you. The proximity of a mountain range to the Sea-coast, between Okhotsk and Ajan, and the complete absence of population in the district. In following coast-lines, mouths of rivers and inlets are generally serious difficulties, but in this district in particular; the coast being also frequently intercepted by mountains and rocks rising from 7 to 8 hundred feet above the surface of the water.

Col. Bulkley informs me that the