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distance can be passed by submarine, should the mountains force me too far into the interior; but I have tried not to be reduced to this extremity and have discovered a good route and a comparatively easy path over the mountain-range, about 200 versts south west of Okhotsk.- It is likely that we will not have to establish a telegraph station at Ajan and will only build a depot for supplies; the line will be constructed in the west side of the mountain-range.
After my return to Okhotsk a Special Courier arrived here with letters for me from the Governor of Yakoutsk. The Governor informs me that he had received, the same day, my letter from Okhotsk and a letter from Capt Mahood, written in Ajan and requesting His Excellency to forward to me his report, should I be Okhotsk.

The Governor tells me that he has sent immediately special Courier's in those different directions; one to Irkutsk with my dispatches to Lieutenant General Korsakoff, the other to Ajan with my letter to Mahood and the third to me with Mahood's report ordering his men to travel night and day and cordially