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from the Amour, I would have met Col. Bulkley in Kamchatka in beginning of May, but there is a limit beyond which human strength cannot reach.

On my way to Ghijiga I will have to inspect the work, which I have succeeded to begin in different points, in spite of my very limited pecuniary means and the sparseness of population.

Houses, stores, books and canoes, "jurts" or guard houses are already in construction and a considerable number of telegraph poles will be ready for use in May.

I am exceedingly sorry not to have means enough to hire labourers at Yakoutsk and to buy horses, cattle and rein-deer. The sum which Col. Bulkley gave me in San Francisco, was destined only for our traveling and surveying expenses and I have fixed myself its amount, limiting it to five thousand dollars, because at that time the Engineer in Chief was short of funds himself.

At the same time I have suggested a plan for supplying the Asia Division with funds through St. Petersburg. The Engineer in Chief informs me that