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the shortest line traced, for our work, and it is desirable to keep as near this, as the topography of the country will admit, and to this end, your explorations will be directed.  You will treat with the Indian tribes for labor and supplies, and pursue a course that will render them useful in a further prosecution of our work; and you are authorized to employ such persons as you may deem expedient for purposes of exploration, construction and repairs.  I enclose with this, orders to Maj. Pope, failure on his part will not interfere with vigorous action on yours.

In case of his failure, a winter party should be pushed forward from Yukon, through Dease House to Babine Lake if possible, and communications sent to any and all parts of the coast.  Your judgement and discretion must guide as facts unfold and the unknown region you visit becomes familiar.

As already in our experience, the clouds that were so threatening in the distance dissolves into thin mist on near approach, so I feel [[strikethrough]] sure [[/strikethrough]] certain you will encounter no serious obstacle and that success will attend your patient persevering effort.

Resp'y yours
Chas. L. Bulkley
Eng. in Chief. W.U.T. Ex.

Maj. Robert Kennicott
Chief of Explorations in R. Am.