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us  The expiration of the term of service of the "Variag's" crew rendered it necessary for that vessel to proceed to Cronstadt immediately after this season's work which decided my course in sending her into the Okhotsk Sea for Major Abasa.  It was understood that another vessel of the Russian Pacific Squadron would be detailed to assist us during the coming year.  The "Variag" took as passengers from Petropavlovski Messrs. S. W. Knox the correspondent of the N.Y. Herald [[left margin]]Paul Anasoff[[/left margin]]and Paul Anasoff the Russian Commissioner.

The last named gentleman as I have since learned, after visiting Major Abasa at Ghijigha and affording them all the assistance in his power proceeded to [[Nicolaykae ?]] to confer with the Russian officials at that point on Major Abasa's behalf.  The visit of Mr. Anasoff has been of great assistance to the gentlemen on the Siberian Division.  The Russian Government have in consideration of the increased importance of Petropavlovski as a port, since its occupation by our fleet, within the past year, decided not to abandon it as was at first intended.

[[left margin]] Service of the Fleet [[/margin]]   Through the medium of the fleet a large amount of material and stores have been distributed over the entire line and two most important stations erected.  One at Kelsey Station Plover Bay and the other at Port Clarence on the eastern side of Behring's Straits.