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the work of construction was to be pushed forward until the closing in of winter when advantage will be taken of the snow to distribute our inland supplies.

[[margin]] Siberian Division [[/margin]]     The following resume of the Reports from the Siberian side embraces the more important points the facts being principally derived from the Reports of Messrs Abasa, Mahood, Kennan and Bush, the last of whom travelled the entire distance from the mouth of the Amoor to Anadyr Gulf

[[margin]] Routes and Distances [[/margin]]     The Routes proposed and distances from the Amoor to the Anadyr. From Nicolaepskai to the head of Orello Lake, via the north bank of the Amoor, through a fertile country, well supplied with grass and timber. From Orello Lake to Oudskoï or mouth of the Ouda River, in an almost direct line, through a valley several versts in width. The Country is good and well timbered, except for a distance of 20 or 30 versts about [[Uealyhin ?]] Bay which is barren  This however can be avoided by a not very long circuit  From Oudskoi to Ajair the route is East off the Great Stanovoi Range and West of the Coast Range. Through fine valleys parallel to the Sea Coast and distant from it about 15 to 30 versts.  From Ajair to Okhotsk the coast line is impracticable, but a good route is found by making a detour to the Westward of