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[[margin]] Houses and Store houses. [[/margin]]  The style of house and storehouse, proposed by Major Abasa, will cost complete from 35 to 40 Roubles.  Contracts have been made by Major Abasa for several of these houses, while Lieut Bush has already erected 8 or 10 in the Anadyr District.

[[margin]] Laborers. [[/margin]]  The Reports speak encouragingly of the prospects of obtaining laborers in different portions of the route.  The natives, everywhere, seem anxious to have the work commenced, realizing somewhat its importance, and the benefit it will be to them.

The Yakout tribes are particularly spoken of, as desirable for laborers, being clever mechanics, skilful, with the axe, and disposed to labor.  No difficulty has been encountered anywhere from the natives.  Energetic and thorough foremen must be brought from the East.  It is almost impossible to estimate the work actually accomplished in the Siberian Division, as the reports received, are dated during the winter of 65, and spring of 66.  The energy and determination displayed by all the members of the first parties landed upon those, then unknown, shores, is worthy the highest commendation; against all obstacles they have struggled faithfully and bravely, and accomplished more, than the most sanguine could have anticipated; nor has the work been less actively pursued on the American Division.

[[margin]] American Division [[/margin]]  The party landed at Ft. St. Michael, in Sept. [[65?]], though saddened by the death of their leader Major Kennicutt, have fully accomplished the objects sought.  The entire country, between Behring's Strait and Fort Tonkon has been thoroughly explored and routes of line determined.  From the Reports of Messrs Ennis and Ketchum, there appears no obstacle worthy of note to the rapid construction of the line over this portion of the route, with the exception of the comparatively short distance between Port Clarence and