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and oil from the natives of the coast; this coast traffic is necessary in order that we may get from them their saleable articles, before the whalers and small trading vessels arrive in the summer.  These trading vessels supply them plentifully with the vilest of alcoholic mixtures, which they call rum, and it is from the free use of this alone, that we apprehend the slightest difficulty with these childlike people.

Trade with the natives brings them into more immediate contact with us, and will render them more dependent and serviceable.

The Russian American Fur Company do not use rum in their trade with the natives.  This company's trade is now confined exclusively to Russian America, and the adjacent islands, including those in Behring's Sea and  the Aleutian Groups.  

It employs:

Two Sea Steamers
Six Ships
Two Brigs and
One Schooner in transporting their supplies, and furs to and from their posts on the Aleutian Islands and the coast of Russian America. 

The entire work thus far has been conducted with a zeal and unanimity of purpose on the part of all engaged, which merits the warmest commendation.  The obstacles to be overcome have been numerous, but the steady perseverance of our young men has surmounted them.  During the year there has been, throughout the whole route, an extra