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Report of the Exploration of the lower Myam River

Head Quarters Northern District
Asiatic Division W. U. Tel
Major S. Abasa   Markova May 4th 16th 1866


I have the honor to report that, in accordance with your instructions I left Ghijigha the 18 April accompanied by Lieut C. L. Macrae, for this place - Markova.

Shortly after starting, I found, that our dogs were almost entirely worn out by their long journeys during the winter, and though we were favored with good roads and fine weather, we could not reach Coell until the morning of friday 8/20 April, a distance, I should estimate, of 125 Versts from Ghijigha. We arrived at Coell, just in time to escape a severe "poorga", which detained us that day and alf the next.

I here learned, that the drivers had brought no dog food with them from Ghijigha, expecting to procure some here, but there was so little, that they could obtain only one nights food.

Sunday the wind subsided, and we pushed on early, hoping to reach Shistakova that night, but the roads were bad, and we were obliged to stop at Mukina. Here I