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in abundance on both banks of the stream, and from soundings I made through the ice, I have no doubt there [[left margin]](10) [[/left margin]] will be water sufficient for rafting purposes.

Sunday April 24th May 6th

It thawed all night and in the morning we found it impossible to travel upon the river, so left the old trail and travelled upon the left bank, through a fine forest of Larch.

At 10 P.M, we reached a point where a bold cliff terminates abruptly on the river, where we stopped to rest the dogs, and cook dinner.

I climbed the cliff to take bearings of different prominent landmarks, and to obtain a better idea of the country we were travelling.

The valley of the Myan at this point, is about 40 versts wide, and the [[left margin]] (20) [[/left margin]] whole surface seemed to be a continued forest of Larch trees.

My eyes had become so accustomed to the barren "tunderas" we been travelling that it was hard to realize, that I was in this portion of Siberia. After dinner the men strapped