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on snow shoes, and we travelled until dark, having made however, only 35 versts during the day. The next morning at 3 AM just as we were about to start, we heard a noise back, and soon saw 3 empty narts approaching. They were the narts you had sent to meet us but we had passed each other between Myan and Abasa Rivers. I was much gratified to find, that you were still in Markova, and that I was mistaken in thinking we had passed each other.

[[left margin]](30)[[/left margin]] These men confirmed our ideas as to the mainstream.

   I immediately put the fresh dogs to our narts, and sent the old teams in advance with empty narts, to break a road.

   We waited two hours to let the dogs and drivers rest and eat, as they had been going constantly, night and day, to overtake us, since they discovered, that we had passed each other.

    Ten versts from camp we reached a point, where another bold [[strikethrough]] shelf [[/strikethrough]] Bluff terminates upon the river, which is here very narrow. This is the