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I engaged all the dog food, that can be caught this summer, from the Stavasters and others, who will not accompany us to the Myan, and left instructions with Avaram to complete the boat and net intrusted to him, at the earliest opportunity.

I also left instructions with Koschevin a copy of which I enclose.

We left Mar Rova May 10/22 in a heavy Poorga, going as far as Orepast, where were had to remain until the evening. I carried with me 16 men and 10 narts, and had assurances that others would come as soon as they returned.

We left Crepast the next evening, traveling all night and until 3.P.M.  before we arrived at the mouth of the Olgan, as the traveling was very bad, especially on the River Myan, where my nart broke through the ice several times.

We were all tired and sleepy when we reached the yurte, and after eating dinner, retired for the rest of the day and night.

The next day I divided my