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Sunday, I suspended work.

These dogs consume so much deer meat, that I was obliged to send all back, home Monday night, as there would not be enough meat to feed them another day. I also sent Mr. Harder to try and procure dog food, and to bring back every able man he could find, that we night accomplish as much as possible during our stay on the Myan; I also ordered him to bring a boat with him, so that if we were compelled to return to Mar Rova for want of food, we would be able to cross the different rivers between here and that place, should we be delayed until the opening of the streams.

The next day, Tuesday May 14/29, the Mar Rova priest, who had been with Koschevin, arrived here, bringing 15 deer, and the disappointing intelligence that Koschevin was in Mar Rova, and though he had exerted himself to the utmost could not procure more than 20 deer, besides the 12 already received, 5 of which he retained