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which detained us here a day and a half. The river, below Oochastica, runs due south for about 20 versts, and contains a number of islands.

The bluffs retire from the river, far inland, and the right bank is very low and marshy, so that we had difficulty selecting a suitable place for the next house, which we constructed about 25 versts below the first, upon a small knoll upon the right bank.

Here I left Lieut Macrae with Mr. Harder and five men in a "carbass", to construct a house, and taking Mr. Smith and four men pushed on with the raft, expecting the other party would overtake us, before we reached Tchikiona, near which place I expected to have the next house.

[[left margin]](10)[[/left margin]]  At this place the Tchutchus overtook us, to one of whom I gave a note addressed to any member of the Tel Co. stating where we were, and what we were doing, also when we expected to arrive at the mouth of the river, not knowing but that the vessels had arrived.

From here, Ochoastika [[strikethrough]] leaves [[/strikethrough]] ^[[bears]] N.20° W. We met with so many strong winds, that we did not reach Tchikiona, until the night of June 26. July 8, having grounded once on the bar, from which we with great difficulty cleared ourselves.