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mountainous while the left is a succession of rolling tunderas, much more desirable for the construction of the line.

The river is wide, deep and free from islands, in many places we could find no bottom with the sounding line, which is 14 fathoms in length. About 15 versts below the Krasnee we came to "Telegraph" Bluff, where Lieut Kennan proposed to carry the line across the river. On the right is a bold promontory, about 25 fathoms high, I should judge and the left bank about 6 fathoms above the river. I think Lieut Kennan was a little deceived, as to the width of the river, it appearing to me to be, at least 3/4 of a mile. Lieut Macrae remarked the same thing.

We landed two houses here, on the left bank, erecting a tripod, as before.

We had now only three of the 10 houses, remaining, one of which we left 25 versts below Telegraph Bluff, where the river makes quite a bend to the south. Lieut Kennan, on his return last winter, restruck the river at this point, after crossing the tundera to shorten his route.

We were two days making this 25 versts, on account of the tides and strong winds.

On the opposite side of the tundera we left the [[left margin]](10)[[/left margin]] two remaining houses, about 20 versts above Lieut Macrae's camp, and the same distance below the last yurte. I had previously