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With regard to the telegraph, they seemed not to have the least objection to it, but on the contrary, expressed a desire for the work to commence [[left margin]](10)[[/left margin]] so that they can see what it will be. These Tchuctchus already know the object of it.

I shall remain here, until I receive further instructions from you, or until the vessels arrive, and in case of the non-arrival of either, until the river is frozen, when we will return to Markova.

I have the honor to be Sir
Your Obedt Servant
(signed) R.J. Bush.

I examined the soil in several places on the tunderas, near our present camp, beneath a surface of moss and black earth, 8 inches in depth. We found very fine, firm clay, which thaws to the depth of 14 inches.

The other places were the same.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected one typo. -@siobhanleachman