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by going to the wandering Tchuctchus or Kosacks and buying deer or trapping grouse which are generally very abundant. But this year many of the dogs died so they could not reach the Tchuctchus, and to add to their alarm, scarcely any grouse were to be seen. Their only hope was that the deer men hearing of their situation would come near to the town with their herds so that they could reach them.

The failure of fish for dog food, and death of so many of their dogs were discouraging prospects for our winters work along the Myan river, as we would have to depend entirely upon dogs for the transportation of men, supplies and material and for the distribution of poles along the line. 
Having left instruction with Mr Horton to buy up all the deer possible, for dog food, and to assist the natives, to many of whom I was in debt for past services. I started for Ghijigha Nov. 8th.20th three days after my arrival in