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and I was daily expecting them until the 20th. February when a native arrived saying that the Karaks started but finding the snow too deep this side of the  Orlofka, killed the deer at that place and left them lying undressed on the snow.

Just after the deer were killed we had comparatively warm weather and when Kaschevin reached the Orlofka in his way he found the deer spoiled from being left in the condition they were and wholly unfit for any thing but dog food. In the meanwhile a few Tchuctchees arrived at Crepast but they had no deer, so I sent Koschevin to try and find some Tchuctchees near mt. "Lelunia" or "Vastra Ioapra."

He suceeded in buying 6 deer from a poor Tchuctchee at a large price, which were sent to the Myan.

By this time our own suipplies as well as those on the Myan were nearly exhausted and as there was very little hope of obtaining any from the Tchuctchees I endeavored