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on the road and March 26th left Markova for Penjina to try and procure other nartes to go to Ghijigha.
I left Mr. Harder in Markova to forward supplies to the Myan, and purchase deer should it be possible. On the way to Penjina I met the six nartes loaded with provision and at the Orlofka found 40 deer left and as there were 130 in Penjina, had no fears for [[insert]] the parties on [[/insert]] the Myan as there was provision enough to last them to the 1st of May, in Penjina and on the road to the Myan, before which time the nartes I had already engaged, would return loaded. Before leaving Markova I left instructions for Lieutenant Macrae to take charge of the parties on the Myan and supplied him  with trading stores for purchasing deer should any come in the neighborhood. Upon arriving at Penjina I found the place almost deserted, all the nartes having gone to some neighboring Karaks for deer but was told that several wished to go