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having lost their way on the toondra in the storm, and as their dogs had been 3 days without food were compelled to leave their loads and return.

I fed their dogs and allowed them one day to rest, and started them of with two other nartes loaded with stores though the storm was still raging. Owing to the weather and the condition of their dogs, the other nartes did not arrive until April 30th when all the nartes from Anadyrsk that could travel came also.

These nartes left Markova April 2nd and were 28 days on the road. In Ghijigha I settled with all the Anadyrsk people for past services paying them mostly in Tea, Sugar and flour for their families. While in Anadyrsk in the absence of means I gave all who desired them, notes on the Company for the amount due them with which they purchased supplies from the Merchants though at exhorbitant prices at Ghijigha.

After receiving provision for their families their nartes were so heavily loaded that it was with the greatest difficulty I could find transportation