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for the necessary amount of supplies for the parties on the Myan.

I left Ghijigha May 3rd with the last of our supplies but owing to the amount of bare ground and water in the Shestakova river did not reach Penjina until May 14th.

In Penjina I overtook the 6 nartes that left Ghijigha April 21st it having taken them 22 days to make a journey which usually occupies 8 days with loaded nartes.

They lost some dogs on the road and the remainder were in a very bad condition but I started them off on the day of my arrival, knowing that the parties on the Myan must be out of supplies.

I learned from Lieut Norton that shortly after my departure all the dogs that were able to travel left both Anadyrsk and Penjina for Ghijigha leaving him without the least posibility of procuring transportation.

The deer on the Orlofka were consumed and there was no dry dog food to be bought at any price, or he might have obtained one