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before my arrival, Lieut. Baxter started for the Myan with supplies, but encountered so much water in the rivers which were breaking up, that he returned back, having no implements with which to build a raft. Knowing it to be impossible to continue the work until after the freshet, and so our supplies were all in Markova, I immediately despatched nartes to bring the remainder of the men from the Myan, who arrived here May 25th. By comparing the accts of Lieut. Norton who was in Penjina and Lieut. Baxter acting Quartermaster in the Myan I find that of twenty four deer sent from Penjina and on transportation paid for, only 14 reached the Myan. I investigated the matter and found that the drivers had used them for dog food and for themselves.

We have now supplies of Tea, Sugar, Flour, Rice and Beans to last to the 15th of July and Bacon enough to last through the freshet, when fish and deer meat