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San Francisco, Feb. 7. 1865.

Dear Prof[[strikethrough]]f[[/strikethrough]]essor,

I returned from Monterey. Feb. 2nd after a successful two weeks work there and was delighted to get yours of the 8th Jan.
At Monterey I worked hard, camping out near the sea shore to take advantage of the early tides, and in spite of the incessant rain have managed to secure some very interesting specimens. I have added some ten or twelve species to the fauna of this part of the coast which have never been found so far north before and Dr Cooper says my notes have altered his views on their geographical distribution a good deal. I have got a number of species in alcohol and shall employ my leisure for the present, in working out their microscopic anatomy.

Col Buckley, on account of storms, did not ^[[get to Letka &]] make any arrangement with the Russian Company about  Ounga Island, so that it is impracticable this year and cannot be worked in. I had an interview with the Col. on the 4th inst, and stated my views as follows. To go by the first vessel to Petropavlovk having Elliott, who is at New Westminster, sent