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down to go with me. To send equipment to Lt. Michaels and have the first vessel touching at Litka take Bischoff there. To thoroughly work up the country round Petropavlovsk unless a chance offers to be left on one of the Kuriles. which of course would be preferable. I have heard from Elliott who had not got my letter and is as airy as usual. He has made a large collection of bird skins including some dozen new species according to his own account. Henry is pretty independent, but I do not think he will be so obstinate, as to make objections to Natural History work, even if under my direction. I do not spare myself and I should not spare him. 
I also asked the col. for promotion, explaining that it was not from any dissatisfaction with my present position but because I am devoting all, and even more of my present pay, than I can spare, to the Scientific work, and I want additional pay to devote to the same end. He said he would do it and seemed favorably disposed on all the plans but I never can count on any thing here till it is done -  With regard to the whales jaws