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[[handwritten]]  6600  [[/handwritten]]
[[stamped text]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. OCT 11 1865
[[/stamped text]]
Sitka. R.A. Aug 16.
Dear Professor Baird,
We send by the barque Clara Bell to Victoria V.I. a box containing some specimens from Sitka and some Indian curiosities and some very interesting specimens, which I gathered on the surface of the open sea 300 miles from land.  I have made copious notes on them and I think they will prove interesting.  
  If it should happen to come in your way, to procure any specimens of the Atlantic Janthina Fragilis, Auc. [[area under the curve]] in alcohol, before I get back pray do so, (or any other Janthinas) as I think I have struck an interesting thing; but will wait, as I may be mistaken.  I have marked on the labels


Transcription Notes:
A 'barque' is a sailing ship, typically with three masts. 'Janthina' is a genus of small to medium-sized pelagic or planktonic sea snails. Auc. is Area Under the Curve when storing in alcohol