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[[image: stamp of Smithsonian institution Jan 7 1866]]

Prof. S. F. Baird. S. F. 

{W. U. J. Cos Bark Golden Gate.
{Oct 4 at sea. 1865

Dear Sir, 

We have left Kennicott in good spirits with a large party and equipment at St. Michaels, Norton Sound with orders; a copy of which is transmitted to you, in his last letter to you from that place. By his wish I take charge of the Scientific operations, till we meet him next Spring; I hope with all his desires fulfilled, and his expectations carried out. I have tried hard but without success to obtain a list of his equipment for you, to file with the rest of the R. K. papers. By his wish, I shall endeavor to give you an account, however meagre, of the various past situations and of those possible to occur, judging from matters at present. 

As for myself, I have tried to work faithfully and thoroughly at the work, for its own sake, and to stick by my friend; though the clouds have gathered, the sky was dark and the very foot-hold uncertain. That I have done what was in my power, he will bear me witness; and I trust that however little I might have prepos^[[ses]]sed you, that you will have no cause of dissatisfaction in the [[underline]]motives[[/underline]] with which I work, even if the power is insufficient.

Of those in power, with whom we have to do: Col. Bulkley is well disposed toward the sci. interest, and appears to have a very high opinion of yourself, rather than any