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ready to stoop to anything; besides being, or rather proffessing to be, a very moral man, which is [[strikethrough]]an[[/strikethrough]] a very rare thing, out here. Capt. Scammon disliked him as much as any one, particularly as he was always eavesdropping and peeping. We arrived at Sitka, Aug.10th, and found the steamer just arrived, the Clara Bell there and the Milton Badger arrived the next day; with Bannister who had been sent back by the Fraser party as being unable to stand the fatigue, or according to the story of Mr. Bean who came with him, for having drawn a knife on somebody who had abused him past endurance. This somebody was an ass named Birney; who, on the credit of having been through the country and being an old H. B. Cos man was made a first lieutenant, and put on a horse while gentlemen bred, were obliged to foot it
He is a half breed and very vain and this folly soon operated making him past endurance. After he had gone he was found to be a pretender never having any rank in the H.B.Co.

Nothing was settled at Sitka, except that our pretty efficient quartermaster, a very good fellow, was so disgusted with Hyde that he volunteered as a private in a small expedition up the Anadyr river, & left us here on the schooner leaving the 2. Dept. to an old [[gaby?]] named Field, a tool of Hyde of whom