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more hereafter. I resigned, was transferred to the Marine Service as Purser, removing me from under Hydes heel, even metaphorically. Bischoff, with a good outfit except alcohol, of which he had a small quantity, was left at Sitka, where he will without doubt do well as he is an excellent & enthusiastic collector. Bannister came aboard the Gate, K remained on the steamer, and we went in tow to Ounga Isl'd south of Aliaska where we remained two days. It is a beautiful spot, a right-good collecting ground but uninhabited. It will probably be a frequent port for our vessels. I sounded the harbor, dredged a little & made a chart of it which has been well spoken of. Bannister surveyed a coal vein here. We left and the same morning were parted from the steamer in a gale & fog and narrowly escaped wreck on Sanak reef. We passed through the Ounimak passage and proceeded to St Michaels where we arrived Sept. 12. We found Kennicott & one of his men here the steamer having proceeded on this way. His equipment consisted in great part of provisions which he cannot carry, a very small assortment of Indian goods, and worse than all by some damnable oversight powder and shot a very small supply. 8000 lbs of flour, and 1500 of bacon, were furnished; five good Sharps breechloading carbines, with two boxes of cartridges. Five