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sians land boats every year. This is to be a sort of depot.
The steamer & boat are to be hauled up, and the extra goods &c stored here. One or two men will be stationed there. A small force will be sent across the short cut, from the bend to Norton Bay, and thence back to St. Michaels. Three extra men, to those before chosen were allowed by Col. B. for this work, viz. Cotter, Chappell and Bendeleben. K. & such men as shall seem fit, will press on to Fort Youkon over the ice, on foot. Lukeen, a Eskimo who is very active and intelligent; has been up to the "English fort," and back before. They hope to find Rothrock and party there, or news of them. This is all that I know about his plans and I think no more definite ones, have been broached.

James M. Bean an antique bachelor, and Bannister, remain steadily at the redoubt, all winter in good comfortable quarters, dining with the commander. 
Bannisters assigned duties, are: obserservations on the weather, tides, and seasons; and to act as a general assistant to Mr. Bean. He is to do all the Natural History work he can, and I hope the opportunity will awaken him from the lethargy into which he seems to have dropped.
I wished very much to stay here, but it was thought that I could do better service by returning to San Francisco and keeping them awake on the sci. question