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7093   IV. 

Nov. 10. 1865. At Sea. Barque
Golden Gate for San Francisco.

Dear Sir, 

We are now homeward [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] bound with a fair wind and likely ^[[to]] reach San Francisco in 30 days. I will there fore proceed and finish my resumé for your inspection up to the present time. After many vexatious head winds we arrived at Petropavlovsk, Oct. 15th, where we remained till Nov. 3rd. I was able to make some interesting collections here during the first part of our stay but heavy falls of snow soon stopped it. Capt. Hunter of this place informed me that he had forwarded to the Institution two specimens  of the Kamchatka eagle, one a skin and the other preserved whole. I endeavored to excite some interest in Scientific matters here, and received promises of crania of the fur animals, the bear, wolf and fox, and if possible the skin of a wolf. Whether they [[underline]] will [[/underline]] be obtained is another thing, but I think probable some of them, will be. 
Col. Bulkley arrived here and the whole face of matters has been changed. Capt Scammon is virtually placed in direct command: having power to dismiss and employ men and officers, in Col. Bulkleys absence to punish drunkenness and bad conduct by dismissal or otherwise, and is appointed second in command of the land ^[[forces]] as well as Chief of Marine.