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of so much responsibility. I should not have acted as Surgeon before but there was no one else and as it was, I succeeded very well.

The seasons collecting ^[[is]] reasonably good. I have written a Report on it ^[[of]] which I forwarded a copy. I have spoken in regard to the work to be done, faunae &c, perhaps with a [[underlined]] marine [[/underlined]] eye to business; but I believe it is also true botanically. With regard to the tusk, I may possibly be in error, but it was necessary to say something, and that was the best opportunity I had. I am satisfied that this spending the season in the proportion of one day to collect in, to 30 on shipboard is not going to pay, and I shall avoid it if possible next yer.

My plans are laid to obtain the command of a party to work the coal beds on Ounga Island, next season, (of which I make mention in my report.) It is the best collecting ground I have seen, the only one affording fossils, and one of interest in regard to the geographical distribution &c. On Round Island, multitudes of birds breed and remain throughout the season the low and scraggy alders are full of the deserted nests of seed eaters and the fertile plains around are brilliant with many flowers in their season. Myriads of fish dart through the clear brooks and the pure wa-