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7093            VI

to write about it, but speaking of Bulkley, we have a scandal on the ship which I think to be probably true; that a whole family, of New York, Smith by name are employed on the expedition, to pay for their sisters dishonor, and that the old Dr. Fisher had some finger in the pie. Certain things have happened in San Francisco, apparently; with the same result. 
But to pass these disgusting subjects. I shall endeavor to send you as soon as copied, some fifty pages if notes on the collections, and I must specially desire and request; that the floating mollusks obtained in the Pacific, be kept in situ, till i can get at them; if they can thus be preserved in good condition for the most interesting of may notes and drawings refer to them. I do  not like to trust the drawings to the mail, but will send them by hand if I have an opportunity. 
I shall write to Dr. Stinpson to send me a package from Chicago of a coat which I left-there in his charge and I wish you would be kind enough to send copied of the Smithsonian publications on mollusks, all of them  if possible; including particularly, two copies of carpenters lectures, 2 of the checklists, Brinneys Bibliography in both parts, Primes work if published